Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New (but still messy) Way of Peeling Ripe Mangoes

Somebody, I forget who, shared this tip on Facebook a few days ago.  I decided to try it today because I need mangoes for a cobbler I'm about to prepare.  As you can see from the video, I still need to master this new technique.

I suggest using this technique only if you'll use mango as an ingredient.  If you're going to eat mango as dessert, I still prefer criss-cross slicing the mango cheek or scooping out with a spoon.


  1. I also prefer criss-cross cut of the 2 slices, and the "buto" slice ...hehehe

    1. we love munching the buto but we hate the crud that get's stuck in between our teeth :p so hard to floss-out
